Friday, January 21, 2011

Willow Creek Campout

In December Brian took the scouts to WillowCreek for a Campout. (I don't know if I've mentioned this before but Brian is the 2nd Counselor in Young Men's and the Scout Master). Here are some of the memorable moments (according to Zach):

-Snowball fights (even the leaders got in on the action).
-5 mile walk in the dark.
-Michael + Jacob getting into a fight.
-Freezing...the whole time!
-Sister Stephens' delicious chicken noodle soup!

I am not really fond of the mess they come home with and I don't really understand why anyone would want to go through that much work to sleep out in the freezing cold, BUT these campouts are a lot of fun for both Zach + Brian. It's a blessing to me that Brian is able to be there and be a part of these memorable moments with our son.

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