Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ward Christmas Party

This year for our Ward Christmas Party, they planned a Night in Bethlehem. Each auxiliary was in charge of making a "booth". We (I'm 2nd counselor in the Relief Society Presidency) were in charge of the Bread Bakery (we served pitas and sandwich thins topped with yummy chicken salad) and Brian + the YM were in charge of the fruits + nut cups at their booth. Brian was asked to hack bananas with a machete...everyone thought that was cool. The Primary was in charge of the Dairy booth, the YW were in charge of the Dessert Bakery booth, the High Priests made wooden toys for ALL the children...everyone did SO much.

My wonderful neighbor and friend Heidi came to my rescue that evening as well. As many of you know, I DO NOT sew...well there was no way I was going to figure out how to make outfits for all of us to wear that evening. We were just going to show up in our everyday clothes. :0( Heidi heard of my discouragement and, with random sheets from her basement, she whipped up an outfit for all of us...I was just shocked and amazed! Thanks Heidi, I appreciate your help and encouraging words more than you know.

It was so nice that everyone came together and made such a wonderful evening possible.

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